Histapenia is a shortage of histamine in the body. Histamine is a major brain neurotransmitter, but is known popularly for its role in allergic symptoms. Patients with low blood histamine tend to have depressed metabolism, a pear shaped body and some may have certain psychological conditions such as anxiety and classic schizophrenic symptoms (paranoia, grandiosity, hallucinations).
According to Prof. Pfeiffer, people with histapenia tend to have classic signs, including canker sores, difficult orgasm with sex, no headaches or allergies, heavy growth of body hair, ideas of grandeur, undue suspicion of people, racing thoughts, the feeling that someone controls one’s mind, seeing or hearing things abnormally, ringing in the ears, high anxiety and food sensitivities.
Histapenia, is characterized by elevated levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, low whole blood histamin and low absolute basophils. These same patients are found to have high copper levels. Copper toxicity decreases blood histamine and is linked with psychosis.
Histamine levels below 40ng/ml (0.35umol/L), low basophils and elevated copper by measuring either 24 hour urine copper or serum ceruloplasmin.
The treatment program consists of the administration of high doses of zinc, manganese, Vit C, niacinamide, Vit B12 and folic acid. With this treatment the high blood copper is slowly reduced and symptoms are slowly relieved in several months’ time.
Response to treatment is usually good, but can be slow in patients who have been ill for a while. Some individuals initially experience a worsening of symptoms due to recirculation of body stores of copper.
Over methylators tend to do poorly on supplements such as SAMe, inositol, tryptophan, phenylalanine, trimethylglycine and dimethylglycine so these should be avoided.
Our laboratory produces combination capsules for this condition. Overmethylator capsules are available in the mebers section of this website.
It is common for over methylators to also have high copper and/or pyroluria which also need to be addressed. For over methylators whom also have high copper levels we also produce Primer Overmethylating Capsules and for those whom also have pyroluria we produce Primer Overmethylating Pyrole capsules.
Alternatively seek advice from a practitioner who hase undertaken training at Outreach Programs led by Dr Walsh in vitamin therapies according to Prof. Pfeiffer’s protocols. Click here for a list of doctors . To download a Pfeiffer prescription form click below: