The most powerful treatment to heal adrenal fatigue, better than any DHEA/cortisol, adrenal extract or vitamin supplement, is the ability to learn to say NO! Every time you give your power away you drain your kidney energy which manifests physically as adrenal fatigue. The type of person most susceptible to suffering from adrenal fatigue is the people pleaser -the yes person – the type of person who wants to please everyone else at their own expense, the one who puts everyone else first. Almost everyone does this to some degree with some more so than others. Whenever you say yes to someone or something to please another when in fact you truly do not feel to do it you are giving your power away to another, draining your kidney energy and creating your own adrenal fatigue. Supplements of any type can only support your adrenals physically which at best is a cure but while you continue these patterns you will always rely on the supplements for relief as they will not truly heal the underlying cause – your patterns.
Not only do you give your power away to others but also to ideals and beliefs that society imposes on us from birth which prevents us from living from our own true inner impulse. Much could be written here about this but to serve as an example the following is offered. Firstly many women hold a certain belief what it is to be a “good” mother and wife. Many mothers live in total disregard of them selves and put their children and husbands first so it appears they are a good mother, wife, etc but giving their power away to this ideal. If women learned to act from their own inner impulses by listening to what their bodies are telling them then they will act from what naturally is within and not give their power away to a belief telling them how to act which is draining their kidney energy.
Men too also give their power away to ideals and beliefs. They behave in a way society tells them what it is to be a “good” father – a good provider often at their own expense spending too long at work – and how a man is supposed to behave. Not being allowed to display any signs of vulnerability or fragility because that is “not how men are supposed to act” when in fact many men are hurting and very fragile inside but put on a brave tough mask to hide behind – hence the rise in prostate cancer. There are many such ideals and beliefs which rule every ones lives that we give our power away to and thus create our own adrenal fatigue. You need to look at all areas in your own life where you may be giving your power away to a belief or ideal which do not truly feel right for you. Self honesty is very important to this process as we all are very good at avoiding honesty in order to remain in the comfort of our patterns as they are so familiar to us.
Looking even deeper we need to understand why we actually give our power away to begin with. We give our power away to seek acceptance and recognition from others. Put simply we are looking for others to like us and love us from our own need. We are looking for someone else to “fill us” with the love we do not give to ourselves, that is to fill our own inner emptiness. If we were to become more self loving and allow the love that is naturally within (that we have disconnected from) to express more and truly connect with it then we need not seek it from another. We therefore need to break old patterns of self abuse, disregard, indulgence and lovelessness in order to connect to our own inner love so we do not need to seek it from another. How do we start being more self loving? Start with being gentle with yourself which is the first step to self love and attempt to let go of the hardness we hold onto and use to force our way through life with.
Taking these steps will truly heal your adrenals!